Hampton Series
Our Hampton line is our most classic line available.
Originating in the 1960's, the Hampton line has been going strong ever since!
Our 1 1/4" square top 5205 and our pin-top 5200 balusters, as well as our 1 3/4" square top 5300 and the pin-top 5105 balusters, are great ways to bring diversity to the same turning. The 5105 is also available in an octagon square top. How's that for diversity!?
Rounding out the baluster family in this line are the 1 3/4" square top 5005 and 5300 long bottom. Both versions of the same great turning.
Most of our balusters in this family come in lengths of 31", 34", 36", 39", and 41", however, not all of them are available in all lengths.
The companion newels for this series are the 4642, 4610, 4661, 3610, and the 3642. The 4642 is now available with or without the Crosshatch Acorn Top when you place a special order. While the 4642 and 3642 are standard newels, the 4610, 3610, and 4661 are pin-top and primarily used under volutes or with rail fittings.